02 May 2012

Cakecrush + Turnip Truck = Love

Oh my goodness gracious:  I am completely in love with working at The Turnip Truck.

I started working here towards the end of March (oddly enough around the same time that my blog posting sort of fizzled away - hmmmm) and it's completely fabulous, so much fun!  

It's local and fresh and friendly and diverse and they really, truly care about their customers.  It's so nice to go to work where I will see people I know shopping.  And, they stock some really amazing things, so I am constantly eating good, whole foods.

But, the absolute best part of working at The Turnip Truck:  the employees.  It's like working at Kiss My Feet.  You know, the type of place where you can find friends for life.  (Kiss My Feet spawned now 10 year-long relationships:  Emma Klingbeil, Kelly Butler, Paul Kerrigan, & Kate Pilcher).  The people I work with are really wonderful people--each of them their own unique character--who really care about the store as if it were their own.  It's a sweet loyalty that I am proud to be a part of!

So, stop by for a visit.  Love East Nashville.  Stay for a while.

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