19 December 2013

India Love . . . 3, 2, 1: Progress, Movement.

The hardest thing about having a residency here in India--my new most favorite place in the whole wide world--is actually doing the work that I came here to do. As much as I wanted to go out and experience more of Delhi, I decided to stick around the compound and do some things. I've been looking at movement for the last several months, so I decided to take some images. I don't have a tripod here (or a good camera for that matter) so I just kind of set my point-and-shoot on the staircase and set the timer for 10 seconds. I wanted to see how many poses I could come up with. I ended up taking close to 50 images. I chose a few to show here, and several to set up in iMovie. I was curious how the movements would look strung together. All of this is experimentation and research, so none of what is pictured here is considered "finished work". But I definitely think there are some interesting starts. I have never really used iMovie before, so it was good for me to start tinkering with that. And, I certainly have never put myself as the subject in any of my work. So that too, was a first. I think it's rather humorous, to tell you the truth. I'm not wearing make-up and I'm pretty sure I did absolutely nothing to myself physically from the moment I got out of bed. I didn't even warm up. I just started hitting poses, and I liked it. It was refreshing. So I'm excited to see where this track leads . . . I'm also interested in the variety of contrasting sounds available at Sanskriti. I decided to venture out to listen. I made a video instead of a sound clip because I was so taken by the darkness. It gets really dark here. And the lights have a tendency to go out quite a bit (3 times this evening alone). So I wanted to be able to look into the darkness and hear the sounds. It's weird because I keep trying to squint like I am going to see something, but nothing ever happens. It's just the competing noise of the bugs, my footsteps, and the highway. Enjoy!

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