01 October 2012

Progress On The Homefront.

Normally I am able to put together my living spaces over the course of two weekends. Not here. It is taking me far longer to complete normal-sized tasks here in the great city/country of Singapore.

I have now been in my apartment since August 1st. And, not one room is at a state that I would consider complete.

Most of my inspiration for the rooms themselves comes from what I am able to hang on the wall. All of the walls in Singapore are solid concrete. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but my drill has one of those unique plugs that will not fit into any of the adaptors. So, I can't hang the larger pieces, which means I can't fill in with the smaller pieces either. 

For the past couple of months, my prints, paintings, and degrees have been leaning against the walls underneath where they belong. On Sunday--however--one of the construction workers at my apartment complex is going to come in and hang all of the large pieces for me. This is super-exciting news! I can't wait to show off the finished rooms at that time . . . A normal living existence is right around the corner!

But for now this is where I lay my head, how my bedroom looks. Well, not really now: if I showed you a true representation of the room now, it would include a large pile of clean clothes needing to be put away and covers & pillows in disarray. But for the most part, this is the layout for the furniture. It's a very small room, probably a 10 x 10. And there is a large free-standing wardrobe. Space is tight on the 22nd floor!

As you could probably tell, I am not matchy-matchy. I prefer my style to reflect my love of craft, color, comfort, and pattern. Once I have everything in place and can properly show you my space, it will be easier to get an idea of how I put things together.

Of course, my apartment will never really be complete without my dog Charlotte laying on the end of my bed . . .  

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